
Universal Martial Sciences Federation

Licensed Instructor Certification Program


The Universal Marital Sciences Federation (UMSF) is a martial arts federation dedicated to the teaching and training of combat related martial arts. The founder and chief instructor of the UMSF is Master Brad Murphy, who has trained extensively with some of the world's foremost masters for over 37 years. This is your chance to become part of one of the world's fastest growing martial arts organizations.

Would you like a rewarding
career in the martial arts industry?

Book your licensed instructor/representative certification program today.

U.M.S.F. Representatives Benefits

  • World recognized certification
  • Internet Registry for Instructors / Schools
  • Sole representative for your region
  • Local and distance learning programs
  • discounts on UMSF events
  • membership in the UMSF
  • certificate of completion
  • licensed instructor/representative plaque

LIC Program Frequently asked questions

Who can qualify?

Novices, experienced martial artist, and martial arts instructors of all backgrounds can qualify for the LIC program. The level of certification is based on the individuals skill level, their ability to functionalize and their ability to comprehend and teach the material covered.

What would a LIC program do for me or my school?

Upon completion of the five day LIC program you will be certified as a Licensed Instructor/ Representative under the UMSF. This will give you the opportunity to teach others, and to develop your own club or school in your area. If you presently have a school you will see an increased enrollment now that you offer a Jeet Kune Do, submission grappling, or weapons training class at your school.

Will this change what we are presently teaching?

NO! Schools under the UMSF do not have to replace their art or style. Most schools will continue to teach their present curriculum, and add a UMSF training class to their schools training schedule. This will be of benefit and interest to your present students as well as drawing in many new students, now that your school offers other types of training.

What is the cost of a LIC Program?

The price for a 5 day LIC program is $6,000. If you wish, you can bring up to three training partners to split the cost (This would equate to four people each paying only $1500.) You (and your group) will be trained directly by professor Brad Murphy, for the entire five day program.

How do I book a LIC program?

Email Now to schedule your LICP, Email: We will walk you through every detail of planning your training, from where to fly in, to hotel accommodations which are conveniently located near our headquarters.