
The Ultimate in Self Defense and Martial Arts Development

Welcome to the online home of the Universal Martial Sciences Federation .Whether you are looking for more information on our elite training programs or want to learn more about becoming an official U.M.S.F. school,your in the right place. The Universal Martial Sciences Federation (U.M.S.F.) is a global organization dedicated to teaching realistic self defense and promoting the expansion of MDT Combat Training Unlimited, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, and Combat Ground Fighting. Our goal is to provide you with world class self defense skills and an education in the combat sciences. The founder and Chief Instructor of the U.M.S.F. is Master Brad Murphy who has trained for over 52 years in a variety of martial arts and combat sciences from all corners of the world.He has trained extensively with some of the worlds foremost masters and hand to hand combat trainers and is always on the cutting edge of the combat methods of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Give Brad a call directly at 780-803-8673 to schedule private lessons and Intensive personal training Programs or to find out how to host a Brad Murphy seminar in your area.

Phone: 780-803-UMSF(8673)


Intensive Programs

Group Classes - Private lessons - Seminars
With Brad Murphy in Edmonton, Alberta

Jeet Kune Do - Filipino Martial Arts - MDT Combat Training Unlimited
African Martial Sciences - Kickboxing - Integrated Grappling Systems

Register Now / Email

U.M.S.F. SEMINARS 2023 / 2024

DateSeminar LocationTopic
Nov 25/26 2023 Edmonton AB Canada MDT Urban Defensive Tactics Workshop
Jan 27/28 2024 Edmonton AB Canada Jeet Kune Do Development Workshop
Feb 17/18 2024 Malaga Spain Jeet Kune Do / Filipino Martial Arts Seminar
Mar 23/24 2024 Edmonton AB Canada Jeet Kune Do Development Workshop
May 25/26 2024 Edmonton AB Canada Jeet Kune Do Development Workshop
Jun 29/30 2024 Playa Flamingo Costa Rica Jeet Kune Do / Integrated Grappling Systems Seminar
Jul 27/28 2024 Edmonton AB Canada MDT Knife Combatives (Level 1) Instructor Certification Course

Technique of the Month

Murphy Submission Fighting: The Rolling Kneebar

In The GYM

Fight of the Month

Brad Murphy fighter Steve Balisky 41 second UMC win

Latest News


Brad Murphy's wrecking crew fight team continues to dominate. Travis Thomas, a rising star with "The Crew" dominated in his pro debut, winning with a first round submission win. Travis controlled the fight from beginning to end displaying his standup skills, takedowns, and ground skills showing why he has been aptly nicknamed "The Total Package."

The first round opened up with Travis setting up his opponent with good boxing skills and a strong front kick to his opponent's chest which sent his opponent back and into the cage. At this point his opponent rushed in for the clinch and attempted a throw but Travis controlled his base and took his opponent down and gained cross-body position and immediately got some good shots in to his opponent's head and face.

As his opponent worked an escape and got to his knees, Travis picked him up from this position and slammed him again. Once again his opponent worked an escape but as he managed to get to his feet travis forces him against the cage. This time Travis executed a perfect (kesi) throw, taking his opponent into a kesa-gatame position. Travis again worked strikes to his opponents head and set up a beautiful leg V arm lock submission, winning the fight at 2:01 of the first round.

  JANUARY 2010

UMSF head Sifu Murphy conducted a intensive 2 day seminar in Tamarindo, Costa Rica on January 9th and 10th 2010. The seminar was attended by Brazilion Jiu Jitsu practioners and instructors from Tamarindo, Liberia,and san murphy covered everything from conditioning drills,to takedowns, to positional training, to a wide array of submissions and counter submissions.

The seminar was a resounding success bringing together grappling enthusiests who previously were not connected, while exposing them to many new areas of grappling training and developtment. Organizer and host of the seminar Daniel Pato, head of the Tamarindo Brazilion Jiu Jitsu Club, was certified as the official Costa Rican UMSF representative for Murphy Submission Fighting at the conclusion of the seminar

  JANUARY 2010

Daniel Pato was recently made the newest international representative for the umsf.dani offers training in both Brazilion Jiu Jitsu and murphy submission fighting out of the tamarindo fitness centre (Tamarindo Brazilion Jiu Jitsu Club.) Dani is currently accepting new students for ongoing training and also invites drop-in students. So if you are in Tamarindo, be sure to check out a class. Dani is an articulate instructor as well as an active competitive fighter, with fights coming up in both San Hose and Tamarindo.

Universal Martial Sciences Federation
Suite 1159 5328 Calgary trail, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6H 4J8
Phone: 780-803-UMSF(8673)

Instructional DVDs

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